Character sheet for the shugenja from Complete Divine.
Shugenja D&D v.3.5 character sheet (two 11"x17" sheets) (384k pdf/zip). Character sheet for the scout from Complete Adventurer. Scout D&D v.3.5 character sheet (two 11"x17" sheets) (372k pdf/zip). Character sheet for the samurai from Complete Warrior. Samurai D&D v.3.5 character sheet (two 11"x17" sheets) (372k pdf/zip). Character sheet for the ninja from Complete Adventurer. Ninja D&D v.3.5 character sheet (two 11"x17" sheets) (396k pdf/zip). Character sheet for the hexblade from Complete Warrior. Hexblade D&D v.3.5 character sheet (four 8 1/2"x11" sheets) (384k pdf/zip). Hexblade D&D v.3.5 character sheet (two 11"x17" sheets) (384k pdf/zip). Character sheet for the favored soul from Complete Divine. Favored Soul D&D v.3.5 character sheet (four 8 1/2"x11" sheets) (384k pdf/zip). Favored Soul D&D v.3.5 character sheet (two 11"x17" sheets) (384k pdf/zip). Picking up force screen or biofeedback can help early on. You'd be limited by your BAB, so the soonest you'd get the first feat is 8 with you class bonus feat. Your larger weapons and access to the expansion power make it a good candidate for vital strike feats. You'd probably want deep focus and psionic meditation feats as soon as you can get them (both at level 5) You'll probably want to take improved psi-like ability to get more of these max augmented manifestations. Your class/race FCB is really strong because it works with your main power, stomp, increasing its damage/DC/options. At level 1 you'd have 8 base, 6 from psionic body (counts itself, psionic weapon, and psionic talent), and your Con bonus. I'd recommend starting with inevitable strike power so you're less likely to waste your bonus damage, and psionic body feat to give you lot of extra HP. Psionic weapon and the associated ability lets you deal +3d6 on one attack with your weapon. #Soulknife handbook upgrade
You can start with a large two-handed sword (3d6 damage) and later upgrade to a butchering axe (4d6) or a higher threat range weapon to crit-fish with the 9th level ability. I'm a fan of thunderjarl psychic warrior for big hits and some AoE damage.
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